An animated sitcom about a self-absorbed cartoon who’s taken to a permanent residence for washed-up ideas, where he must find a way to become rich and famous before he’s erased forever.
House of Rejects was a major passion project that spanned four years and amassed a crew of 30+ artists worldwide. As my first time directing and producing, a project this size was just as exciting as it was daunting. Not only was I managing the production, I was writing, storyboarding, animating, and directing. Nonetheless, the systems I put in place for myself made organizing this large international crew by myself much easier to manage.
Shot List and Schedule
In order to track the process and make assignments clear to the team, I made a comprehensive document that outlined all the shots in the 20-minute pilot episode.
Shot List
This sheet acted as both a source of information for the crew (shot descriptions, timecode, frame counts) and a means of tracking shot progress.
Every three months, I created a new assignment sheet that listed all the assignments for all the active crew members. This information would also be posted in our production Discord server. Names have been removed from the image to preserve the crew’s privacy.